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About glow powder suppliers

1) After absorbing ultraviolet light and other varieties of visible lights,it can glow for more than 12 hours in the dark;2) Non-toxic,non-radioactive and harmless;3)The brightness and afterglow time are more tens times as those traditional zinc sulfide pigment;4) Compare to the other phosphorescent pigment on the present market,the most salient ch 1) After absorbing ultraviolet light and other varieties of visible lights,it can glow for more than 12 hours in the dark;2) Non-toxic,non-radioactive and harmless;3)The brightness and afterglow time are more tens times as those traditional zinc sulfide pigment;4) Compare to the other phosphorescent pigment on the present market,the most salient characteristic of Realglow (glow powder suppliers) photoluminescents pigments are that they charge light much faster and their afterglow level are also very good;5) they have excellent stability and weatherability. The process of excitation and emission can be repeated forever.

Powder in Night

This glow in the dark powder is formulated by our adept professionals using optimal quality basic ingredients and ultra-modern techniques at our sophisticated processing set-up. Suitable for bringing glow, the provided powder is also tested on defined parameters of quality to assure its non-hazardous nature. Besides this, we are offering this glow This glow in the dark powder is formulated by our adept professionals using optimal quality basic ingredients and ultra-modern techniques at our sophisticated processing set-up. Suitable for bringing glow, the provided powder is also tested on defined parameters of quality to assure its non-hazardous nature. Besides this, we are offering this glow pigment powders to the clients at reasonable rates. 

glossy ink Precautions

1 , since the mirror silver ink dilute water, it should choose a high mesh screen , not only that, squeegee hardness should be more rigid .2 , mirror ink must stir before using it with aluminum powder mixed resin to fully ensure the emergence mirror effect , otherwise , masterbatch glow in dark the produce mirror effect .3 , printing ink mirro 1 , since the mirror silver ink dilute water, it should choose a high mesh screen , not only that, squeegee hardness should be more rigid .2 , mirror ink must stir before using it with aluminum powder mixed resin to fully ensure the emergence mirror effect , otherwise , masterbatch glow in dark the produce mirror effect .3 , printing ink mirror when temperature and humidity are very important, because the ink on the screen easy to dry, so we can not screen in air circulation , otherwise very easy to block network , when the air humidity, mirror effect backward , so in the screen printing to prevent air flow and moisture as possible.4 , screen tension slightly lower , the net transfer from also nearer, and appropriate pressure reducing scraping blade, otherwise the mirror effect will undermine the formation .5, printing machinery , which can not be used to back blade with a hard aluminum or stainless steel , while the gum back blade should be used to ensure Photoluminescent Ceramic ink coating uniformity mirror , the mirror effect is the same.6 , mirror effect mirror the way the ink is drying on the mirror effect in terms of heating and drying naturally dry less good , and note should be consistent with warming temperatures and drying time , otherwise the mirror performance and color saturation will differ.7 , we must first understand the dilute water mirror ink printing technique is the key, when the printing speed is slow, on the one hand , dilute the ink will leak water shed mirror screen , on the other hand , mirror ink easy to absorb moisture from the air , after printing mirror effect was not good , for at the time of printing, the ink mirror inverted version must be continuous and rapid network printing , printing to complete successfully , that is, the printing side of the workpiece edge to check this rate, will give the effect of impact printing , such as blocking network , printing ink does not go on the screen slagging Orchestra.

Luminous pearl pigment used in paints to talk about industry

Pearlescent pigments used in the paint industry as follows: mica pearlescent pigment is coated with a layer of titanium or titanium alternating multilayer coated powder and other metal oxides formed on mica flakes. Due to the thin layer of metal oxide Glow in the dark pebble much higher than the refractive index of the substrate material mica Pearlescent pigments used in the paint industry as follows: mica pearlescent pigment is coated with a layer of titanium or titanium alternating multilayer coated powder and other metal oxides formed on mica flakes. Due to the thin layer of metal oxide Glow in the dark pebble much higher than the refractive index of the substrate material mica flakes , mica flakes combined with the substrate itself transparent , so the reflection and transmission of light interference , its like a pearly luster coating soft, fine clean , and give three-dimensional film with a profound texture, decoration excellent. Mica Pearlescent Pigments non-toxic, heat, light , weather , excellent chemical resistance , and can be widely used in the manufacture pearlescent paint , applied in cars, motorcycles, bicycles and household appliances in the painting .Currently, the United States, GM, Ford, Chrysler, Big photoluminescent films companies , Germany 's Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz, Bavarian Virginia - Daimler Motor Company , Japan's Toyota, Mitsubishi, Mazda , almost all high-end luxury cars are made of titanium mica pearlescent paint to paint . So far , the world has about 70 percent of the cars using metallic paint coating, titanium mica pearlescent paint and metallic paint has become mainstream .

Development prospects of luminous light emitting powder

Luminous signs can not replace the safety instructions electroluminescent signs, but as its complement , better play the role of instruction time of distress . High electricity costs luminescent safety signs and require wiring and maintenance, leading to increased mounting density inconvenience , distress occurs , there will identify the gap. drive Luminous signs can not replace the safety instructions electroluminescent signs, but as its complement , better play the role of instruction time of distress . High electricity costs luminescent safety signs and require wiring and maintenance, leading to increased mounting density inconvenience , distress occurs , there will identify the gap. driveway gravels of low cost, easy to install , you can install a high -density , low- consecutive points to be installed, the installation can be anywhere , greatly increasing the safety and security of the United States 911 events played a very good role .    STORING luminous signs are very common in domestic applications , application examples everywhere, subways, airports , supermarkets , exhibition centers, factories and so on. pigment powder suppliers Olympics, Beijing installed throughout a large area STORING luminous signs . At the time of distress provide better safety instructions , use STORING luminous light-emitting material is a good choice , that is safe , and energy-efficient . STORING luminous light-emitting materials industry is an integral part of a low-carbon economy.Luminous resin garden lights , have also been popular in Europe and America . Luminous applications can also contribute to the world's more natural .

There are no toxic luminous powder

There are no long-lasting luminous poisonous ? On this issue, in fact, as early as 20 years ago, there were already conclusions. Indeed luminous currently available on the market , there are two . First ; ZnS fast luminous highlight short-acting luminous . Its products ; quick absorption , the initial light intensity , high temperature of about 800 There are no long-lasting luminous poisonous ? On this issue, in fact, as early as 20 years ago, there were already conclusions. Indeed luminous currently available on the market , there are two . First ; ZnS fast luminous highlight short-acting luminous . Its products ; quick absorption , the initial light intensity , high temperature of about 800 degrees. Photoluminescent Sand ; around 400 mesh , using a term of 20 years , after re- absorption in the emission time of 20-30 minutes. The color is beige traditional talk , hair is yellow green . Its performance is ; integrated , the more extensive use . In general, the radiation characteristics having no phosphorus . Basically can be described as environmentally friendly products.Second ; Long luminous powder , is made ; variety of rare earth materials through scientific formula baked at high temperature 1500 degrees. Having high temperature, acid , solvent , and so on. With the light emission time ; 2-4 hours 6 hours 4- 6- 8- 12 hours 8 hours 20 hours 12- like levels. Long luminous light colors ; yellow-green , blue-green , sky blue, violet , white, yellow, red and so on. Surface color ; red, green and blue violet yellow orange color so luminous . Photoluminescent Gravel ; 10-20 mesh over a variety of purposes until 3000 there ( just ; luminous yellow-green ) luminous particles between 10-60 mesh , only on the market ; yellow-green , blue-green , sky blue three. Long luminous powder also divided ; comprehensive luminous , water- coated luminous , ultra-fine nano- luminous , luminous oil , high temperature luminous , super- luminous light varieties , etc. , can be said many kinds, everything. Its surface is generally talk about color beige, pale white , talk about the two green and so on. Because long-lasting luminous powder raw materials are ; rare extracts refined, Shenzhen, Yao DS holy Technology After twenty years of technological improvements and continue to explore all the luminous products in full compliance with all indicators of environmental testing in Europe and America West. Proved to be a long-lasting luminous non-toxic non-radioactive phosphorus truly environmentally friendly high -quality products.